Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Economic Policies for Sustainability and Resilience
International Trade for Global Sustainable Development
Sustainable Tourism
Session for Ph.D. Students
International conference
Liberec Economic Forum 2023 is a platform for presentation of research findings and for exchange of experience relating to economic development and knowledge economy.
Innovations and research
The aim of the conference is to promote innovations, support research, and enhance development as means of competitiveness of enterprises in the regional, national, and global environment.
Business Resilience and Sustainability
in the Planetary Age

Indexed in WOS since 2013
The international conference Liberec Economic Forum (LEF) is indexed in Web of Science since 2013. To verify that LEF is not a predatory conference, check the indexation right in the database.
Submit a paper
All research articles (approx. 6-8 page A4, including referencing) in this proceeding undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by two anonymous referees. Articles which get through an independent review process will be published in the collected volume.
Name and affiliation should not be included in the paper proposals. Please submit your paper using the following template in the PDF format via EASY CHAIR.
For the final formatting of your paper, please use the second template and upload the paper back to EASY CHAIR. Don’t forget to register and pay the CONFERENCE FEE.
Join us! All papers are submitted via
Important deadlines and fees
Anyone interested in having a paper published in the proceedings will be charged a fee paid by July 31, 2023. The fee differs according to the chosen variant. The conference fee must be paid separately for each conference

Paper submission
Paper submission: The deadline is extended to June 30, 2023!
Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2023
Camera ready: August 15, 2023
Both versions of the paper (for review and camera ready) must be submitted via Easy Chair.

Conference in person
Early bird fees:
Author 200 EUR Coauthor 100 EUR
After August 1, 2023:
Author 250 EUR
Coauthor 150 EUR
Participants without paper 50 EUR

Conference online
This year, the conference will be held only in person.
Traditional conference fee includes: participation in the conference, electronic proceedings, lunch, dinner, and two coffee breaks per day, cultural trips. The accommodation and transport is not included in the registration fee. Participants should make accommodation reservations individually, directly to the selected hostel/hotel. Participants have to arrange visa at their own. July 31, 2023 is the latest deadline for registration and payment.
Please register and pay the fee through the university e-shop
Publication opportunity
Extended and improved versions of the selected papers will be
published in ACC JOURNAL.
The Programme
13:00-14:00 registration of participants
14:00-14:10 opening
14:10-15:30 plennary session with keynote speakers
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Rupert Baumgartner
15:30-16:00 coffe break
16:00-18:00 discussion table with the theme „Rules for Survival“
18:00-22:00 evening gala program & networking
9:00-12:00 presentation in the following sections:
- Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Economic Policies for Sustainability and Resilience
- International Trade for Global Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Tourism
- Session for Ph.D. Students
Programme committee
Your papers are in good hands! Liberec Economic Forum is an international conference that is organized in cooperation with international scientists and experts.
Rupert Baumgartner – Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. (Universität Graz, Austria)
prof. John R. Anchor (University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom)
prof. Dr. rer. pol. Falk Maiwald (Hoch Schule Zittau/Gorlitz, Germany)
dr hab. Piotr Gryszel, prof. (Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny We Wrocławiu, Poland)
Alfred Howard Miller PhD (Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates)
prof. Ing. Miloš Hitka Ph.D. (Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia)
doc. Ing. Stachová Katarína, Ph.D. (Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave)
doc. Ing. Stacho Zdenko, Ph.D. (Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave)
prof. h. c. prof. Ing. Monika Hudáková, PhD., MBA (Bratislava University of Economics and Management)
Dr. Jarmila Curtiss (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
Assoc. Prof. Iza Gigauri (St. Andrew The First-Called Georgian University)
prof. Dalia A. S. Khalil, PhD (Cairo University, Arab Republic of Egypt)
prof. Chinara Adamkulova (Diplomatic Academy of Ministry Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyz Republic)
prof. Abrorjon Kucharov (Tashkent State University of Economics, Republic of Uzbekistan)
prof. Mansur Eshov (Tashkent State University of Economics, Republic of Uzbekistan)
doc. Ing. Aleš Kocourek, Ph.D. (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
prof. Ing. Miroslav Žižka, Ph.D. (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
doc. Ing. Klára Antlová, Ph.D. (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
doc. Ing. Šárka Laboutková, Ph.D. (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
doc. Ing. Petra Rydvalová, Ph.D. (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
doc. Ing. Pavla Vrabcová, Ph.D. (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
Ing. Otakar Ungerman, Ph.D. (Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic)
where ?
The conference will be held in Liberec, Czech Republic
LEF – conference will take place at Technical University, Building G, Univerzitní nám. 1410/1, 461 17 Liberec. GPS: 50.773451, 15.076181.
Accommodation is NOT included in the conference fee.
Editorial Policies
Within the proceedings of the LEF 2023 conference, there is a detailed and readily accessible description of the peer review process and editorial oversight for all published content. Specific requirements and guidelines for editors, authors, and conference organizers are clearly defined. Editors are well-informed about their responsibilities regarding manuscript handling, ethical standards, and publication maintenance. Authors have access to information regarding manuscript submission guidelines, formatting requirements, citations, and ethical conduct. Conference organizers adhere to procedures that ensure the event’s integrity and its publications.
It is important to note that each contribution undergoes a comprehensive review process, with two peer reviews and editorial evaluations to ensure the highest quality of content.